Monday, March 23, 2009

May the Vision of You be the Death of me.

Its awesome to know that God is in control. Omnipotent, Omniscient, & Omnipresent. No matter the obstacles or situation.

Spiritually speaking...It is vital that we bring death to our own desires in order to align with the plan God has for our lives. This has been a renewal of revelation for me.
Church was awesome today, both times, both of them.

I'm already looking forward to the weekend. A trip home is going to be stupendous.

If your going to rock out while driving in your car, make sure when a car pulls up next to you at the stoplight that you step it up a notch or two. It's more fun that way. Besides, who cares if they look at you funny, they're the ones missing out.

btw, I'm excited about going to bed now. It is 5:30am. Yummy 6hr Annotated bibliography work, gotta love it.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, Thanks for not hiding your light under a bushel basket! Thanks for making little of you and much of HIM. Awesome! Thanks also for adding our ministry to your blog list "The I-61 Project". I hope it feeds you as your post has fed me.

    In Christ, David
