Sunday, April 19, 2009


I really do not get along with pollen. I've definitely had my share of "God Bless you"s for the week.

I really like how God works in the lives of people that I don't even know. People that live in other states, countries, and continents. Sometimes I forget that God is larger than me. Larger than just what goes on in my life. It is even cooler when you get to meet and spend time with these people who have aligned their focus with his plans for their lives. To see how God is moving in their lives and how he uniquely provides the resources that allow them to minister in their own demographics and communities. It is neat being in this army, sharing the same desires as soo many others. To have this love for them because of this same God that we serve; yet not even knowing them. God is huge. He is awesome. He is bigger than me and for that--I'm thankful.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay... So Easter was pretty awesome.

I wonder what would happen if I hid and egg in some grass and tied invisible thread to it. And how about if right before the person almost grabbed it I pulled the string and it moved. Then when they reached for it again, I would repeat the string pulling idea. I would then go on to repeat this process possibly three more times. Then finally I would let them get the egg. When they opened it they would see the $50 bill inside that I had hidden and then think "wow, at least it was worth all the work of chasing this egg". But then they would turn the bill over and it would be fake and read "April Fools"! I bet they would get mad because they are aware that it is Easter and not really April fools. But this wouldn't bother me because me and my friends do April fools all month long. Anyway I just thought I would share this.

Okay, so that was a waste I guess. I should probably tie that into some nice concept that it compares to in life. I'd probably say something like "are there things in life that you chase after, things that promise to contain something of worth? Are there things that you finally obtain and then they aren't all you thought they were cracked up to be? At times it seems we are all chasing after the 'Lucky Egg' and then when its found its not all we thought it would be." But saying all that would probably be confusing. After all, what does egg hiding have to do with an Easter Bunny? And what does either of them have to do with the Resurrection of our Savior? I really do not understand who ever saw the connection with all this.

I hope this makes since.

I do in fact have a few Tricks up my sleeve. No, Seriously.

Ok. This was random

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Greater Love.

This is real.

A story about a real God who understood what real love was. A story about a Father who gave his only son. A real God who truly loves us. A real story that involves us. A real death and a real punishment that was caused by us. Because of our sins. These things that we do daily that please ourselves and deny God. Because of us a perfect son paid the price for our failures. This is real. This is real and this realness--it scares me. I am so undeserving. I am unworthy. I did this. This is real.

I have nothing to give that could repay for what I have done. I have nothing to offer but my life. I am compelled to move. To act. I didn't deserve this salvation that has been given to me but I want to show that I'm thankful. I want to get to know this man who gave everything so that I might know his Father. I want to love him back, since he showed me what real love is. I want to continue to move closer to this God. He is my desire. My one true, real desire. I will not be silent. I will move foward into this real world and proclaim this Love.

This is real...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thank you, Lord.

I'm so grateful of the undeserving Love of God that he graciously pours into me.
I shake in my bones-- tremble at his great, vastness.

Who are we to be called children of God? To be coheirs, with Christ, in the kingdom of heaven and eternity. To have greater favor in the eyes of God than the wind and waves; and yet being so much more unworthy than they. For they obey the voice of God--He speaks and they obey, and yet we fail and sin against him. Yet through this still he loves us. We can't understand this love. We can't grasp it with our minds, but must let it burn in our hearts.

I want to be wrecked in His love. Wreck me God.

I'm excited about what God has in store. Greater things have yet to come.

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21